Michael c. Gibson

Michael C. Gibson’s work can best be described as photo-realistic. He has a meticulous eye for detail, pushing the limits of realism and using graphite to capture unseen thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Gibson’s art is full of points of introspection and reflection, often taking inspiration from everyday encounters of black life, drawing parallels with various African peoples and experiences. Gibson graduated from Sheridan College in Toronto, Canada, in 1992, where he studied illustration and received an Outstanding Achievement Award.

​“I try to push the limits of realism, simply imitating reality isn’t my primary goal. It’s not about how much detail you choose to put in a piece; it’s what you choose to leave out, and that is where the challenge begins. My primary goal is to capture that which we cannot see thoughts, feelings, emotions, the soul and spirit.” Michael C. Gibson

Crowned in Her Glory is our first collaboration with the artist. This print speaks to the spirit of black culture, highlighting black experiences and pushing back against the stereotype of black women. The work is part of Gibson’s desire to create images “that reflect who we are and who we aspire to be.”